07 Wolf Albach Retty mit Magda und Romy Schneider

Legendary film acting families | The Marischkas # 2023

Two of the greatest acting families of Europe!

Two of the greatest acting families get a new, comprehensive cinematic presentation i our documentaries. We shed some light on the personalities and careers of the Albach|Retty|Schneiders and the Marischkas with dedication and a love of detail. The idea is to look at these great performers from multiple angles - and throw a new light on their careers.


Films from 1945 to 1963 say a lot about how Austria saw itself during the Second Republic. Popular films – and the Marischkas were masters at this – showed a squeaky-colored present in which – thanks to Franz Marischka – free sex drove its (un)being in leather pants, or it wallowed in an opulent pre-war time. The lavishly designed and sensitively staged story about the eccentric Austrian Empress Elisabeth, known as Sissi, is one of the great successes of German-speaking post-war cinema with over 6.5 million cinemagoers. Ernst Marischka managed to pull all the strings to show the maximum splendor and staged a glamorous dream finale that until then had only been seen in Hollywood films.


As a guide for the viewer, the story of the Marischkas dynasty is told as a family tree goes. From this, the life stories and their “fruits” (films) were developed, with the focus on the three “marischkas films” – Uncle Ernst and his nephews Georg and Franz. The "ideal world" that we encounter in Ernst Marischka's films was compared with images of the reality of the time and reconstructed in various interviews.


Nicole Marischka, also to her father Georg Marischka, Ingeborg Schöner - wife of Georg Marischka and mother of Nicole Marischka. 

Family members and colleagues who are (still) alive and able or willing to speak.

Uwe Ochsenknecht
 and/or Veronika Ferres (colleagues of Georg Marischka in film "Schtonk!").

Thomas Gottschalk 
directed a film with Georg Marischka (Zärtliche Chaoten). Frank Stern, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna, who dealt with the political aspects of entertainment films, Oliver Rathkolb, Univ. Prof. for Contemporary History, on the denazification of street names in Vienna (including Hubert Marischka Park).

Didi von Rossek
, cameraman for Franz Marischka's "Lederhosen" films.
Waltraud Haas
 played in "Season in Salzburg" directed by Ernst Marischka.

Xaver Schwarzenberger 
was Fassbinder's cameraman in the "Countermovement" film to the Marischka's homeland film, but later directed the "Sisi" film - and he also directed two other films with Nicole Marischka.

Barbara Albert
 and/or Veronika Franz as contemporary directors on the film style and image of Marischkas women from today's perspective.

Co-production | Clever Contents GmbH and ORF III

Funded | Film Fonds Vienna

Genre | documentary

Director | Gabrielle Flossman

Production manager | Ronald Graf

Length | 45 minutes

Year of production I 2021-2022

First Broadcasting | January 2d, 2022

13 Sarah Biasini Tochter von Romy Schneider
12 Filmplakat Romy Schneider
11 Gertraud Jesserer Schauspielerin und Freundin von Romy Schneider
10 Zeitungsartikel über Romy Schneiders Halbschwester Sacha Darwin
09 Houchang Allahyari Filmregisseur
08 Filmplakat Magda Schneider
06 Günter Krenn Romy Schneider Biograph
05 Wolf Albach Retty Vater von Romy Schneider
04 Georg Markus
03 Bühnenrollen Rosa Albach Retty
02 Eltern von Rosa Albach Retty Rudolf Retty mit Ehefrau
07 Wolf Albach Retty mit Magda und Romy Schneider

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