Documentary film series dealing with "God and the world".
Deep fall? Successful failure? Günter Kaindlstorfer's documentary portrays people whose lives have taken completely different paths than they once thought.
As Vicar General of Vienna, Helmut Schüller was the second most powerful man in the Catholic Church in Austria. Then the critical spirit was demoted - and began to devote himself fully to his life as a country priest in Probstdorf, Lower Austria. Schüller founded the pastors' initiative and today, as a pastor, he is closer to people than perhaps ever before. Found a calling? Angelika Kirchschlager initially failed in popular music when she failed the casting for the musical “Elisabeth”. Today, the acclaimed mezzo-soprano is at home on all the world's major opera stages. Josef Zotter was once a committed young entrepreneur - and in the 1990s, a small coffee house chain in Graz went bankrupt. Who would have thought back then that he was just getting started?
Three life stories that can give you some courage.
Production | Clever Contents GmbH on behalf of ORF 2
Genre | religious magazine
Director | Günther Kaindlstorfer
Production manager | Tamara Brunner
Length | 35 Minuten
Year of production I 2021
First broadcasting | Autumn 2021 in Kreuz und Quer on ORF 2
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