Habsburgs' dream of the south | a hunt for traces in Slovenia # 2020

Slovenia's monarchical past

Traces of Habsburg reach far to the south - a lot in Slovenia still reminds us of the dynasty that shaped this area for centuries. Whether for political, military or private reasons - hardly any Habsburg could escape the charm of the south. 

The film delves into the monarchical past of this region and visits, among other things, the Lipica Stud Farm, which dates back to the Archduke Charles II Francis of Austria; Ptuj, which was shaped by the Austrian nobility and the diocese of Salzburg up to the 17th century, the splendid Styrian noble family of the Attem's Baroque castle Štatenberg, as well as the health resorts popular during the monarchy such as Rogaška Slatina, where Emperor Franz Josef was immortalized on the frescoes in the magnificent ballroom. Photographs of natural monuments such as the Triglav National Park, where you can still find relics of the Isonzo Front from the First World War, or the Postojna Caves, whose tourist development is closely linked to the Austrian imperial family, and the 1857 also connected to the southern railway line running across Slovenia round off this film about the diverse cultural landscape of Slovenia and its intensive relations with Austria.

Production | Clever Contents GmbH

Friendly support | the Austrian ministry of Foreign Affairs

Partnership | the Slovenian Tourist Board

Genre | documentary

Director | Martin Vogg

Production manager I Saskia Netousek

Cut I Marcus Gotzmann

Length | 45 minutes

Year of production I 2020

First broadcasting | 28th November 2020 in „Erbe Österreich“ on ORF III

02 Blick auf den Triglav den höchsten Berg Sloweniens
04 Blick auf die Burg von Ptuj
09 Blick auf Koper
14 Wehrkirche in Hrastovlje
16 Arbeitszimmer von Joze Plecnik heute Teil des Plecnik Museums
12 Blick auf Lujbljana
13 Das Gestüt Lipica
11 Fort Kluze
15 Doe Höhlenburg von Pretjama
10 Palace Hotel in Porto Roz
08 Blick von der Drachenbrücke in Lujbljana
07 Ballsaal in der Tropfsteinhöhle von Postojna
06 Blick auf den Hauptplatz von Piran
05 Fort Hermann in den julischen Alpen
03 Die Adriaküste in der ehemals venezischen Hafenstadt Piran
01 Flug über die ehemals illyrischen Provinzen in der Nähe von Koper

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