3 Franz Stephan Kutschenspiegelung

Habsburg's civil professions # 2022

Habsburgs practiced their learned professions alongside government office

The documentary about those Habsburgs who defied family law and social conventions and learned a middle-class profession or practiced their talent and passion– often secretly - “professionally”.

The path in life of the Habsburgs was prescribed from birth: to serve the monarchy - whether as reigning emperors, archdukes with military or representative duties, or archduchesses as supportive wives and mothers in the service of maintaining the dynasty. Their training was geared exclusively to the given roles, completing an academic degree or learning or even practicing a "civil" profession was not only not intended, it was even expressly forbidden. The crown princes and thus future emperors learned a craft of their choice - but in fact this meant getting to know each other and not real professional training. 

While most of the Habsburgs accepted their roles without protest, there were also a few exceptions who flouted family laws and social conventions and exercised their talent and passion professionally – either by tricky circumventing family statutes or even in secret. The bandwidth of the chosen professions was unusual and exciting and ranged from stock market speculator to archaeologist and set designer to undercover journalist and grocer in the city on the Danube.

Co-production | Clever Contents GmbH and ORF III

Funded | Filmfond Wien and RTR

Genre | documentary

Director | Pamela Milkowski

Cut | David Kalla

Production manager I Ronald Graf

Length | 45 minutes

Year of production I 2022

First Broadcasting | May, 3d 2022 in „Erbe Österreich“ on ORF III

3 Franz Stephan Kutschenspiegelung
10 Braganza Interviewpartner Bibliothek
11 Braganza Fotovonihr
9 Franz 2 NHM Interviewpartnerin
8 Franz2 Blickauf Belvederegartenjpg
6 Marie Therese Neapel Puppentheater
7 Marie Therese Neapel Zeichnungen
5 Franz Stephan Kathrin Unterreiner
4 Franz Stephan Gestein Vitrine
1 Maria Anna Wald interviewpartner
2 Maria Anna Statue
13 Franz Stephan Copy 01 Copy 01
15 Sissi Copy 01 Copy 01
16 Sissi Copy 01 Copy 01
14 Maria Anna Copy 01 Copy 01
17 Franz2 Copy 01 Copy 01
21 EDIT Ludwig Salvator Copy 01
20 Ludwig Salvator Copy 01
28 Woelfling
23 Ludwig Salvator Copy 01
22 Ludwig Salvator Copy 01

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