The funeral rituals of the imperial house
The Habsburgs celebrated death at least as much as life and power. The facets of Habsburg burial culture range from pompous displays to bizarre burial rites to the legendary final resting in the tomb. The Capuchin Crypt on the Neuer Markt is full with the recent burial of the last Habsburg woman who was to find her peaceĀ there. All other members of the former ruling family will find their eternal rest elsewhere. To commemorate All Saints Day this year, ORFIII Heritage Austria presenter Karl Hohenlohe explores the peculiarities of imperial burial ceremonies, such as the separate burial of body parts. The hearts were soldered into a gold vessel and buried in the Loretto Chapel in the Augustinian Church. The entrails were placed in copper pots and preserved in St. Stephen's Cathedral.
Co-production | ORF III and Clever Contents
Funding | Filmfonds Wien
Genre | documentary
Director | Gigga Neunteufel
Production management I Saskia Netousek
Cut I Anna Fekete
Length | 45 minutes
Year of production I 2024
First broadcast | October 29, 2024 on ORF III
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