12 Josef Ringlthaler

Customs, knowledge, craft techniques | The National Park Kalkalpen # 2023

The intangible world cultural heritage of the Alpine region


There is hardly any other region in the Alps where you can enjoy the Alpine mountain world as unspoiled as in the National Park Kalkalpen. While nature is left to its own devices in the heart of this low mountain region, the alpine pastures on the edges are managed as in the old days.

Here in the mountainous border area between Upper Austria and Styria, one can find not only peace and relaxation, but also traditional craft businesses, some of which have existed for centuries.


Customs, knowledge and old craft techniques

In the 15 documentaries, the intangible cultural heritage is presented as an integral part of the Austrian cultural landscape. The films search for traces of the past in order to make the creation and changes of intangible cultural heritage visible. They document the current situation, whereby the character that creates identity for the present is highlighted. And they address the question of what importance the care of heritage has for the future of the Austrian cultural landscape.

“Heimat Österreich” takes you to the most beautiful cultural landscapes in Austria. Elaborately designed documentaries portray long-held traditions and customs, explore popular pilgrimage sites and show how culture and nature intertwine in the heart of Europe.

Co-production | Clever Contents GmbH and ORF III

Partnership | The Austrian Commission for UNESCO

Genre | documentary

Director | Martin Vogg

Production manager I Saskia Netousek

Length | 45 minutes

Year of production | 2019 - 2020

First broadcast | Fall 2019

1 Gemeinde Molln
16 Alois Lindenbauer
14 Karl Schwarz und Berta Schwarz
13 Mollner Maultrommel Ensemble
12 Josef Ringlthaler
11 Musikanten Puglalm
10 Helmut Ahrer
9 Förster Bernhard Sulzbacher
8 Jagdhaus Bodinggraben
5 Lisa Maria Schwarz
4 Landwirt Adi Moser
3 Flug über Nationalpark Kalkalpen
2 Georg Wiesner Sibylle Musenbichler

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