16 Tanz in Tracht

Customs, knowledge and old craft techniques | Life in Gailtal # 2023

The intangible world cultural heritage of the Alpine region


Home Austria meets people in the Lower Gail Valley who vividly describe the changes in people's everyday lives and also bear witness to the fact that traditional church traditions have hardly changed in the last 100 years. At the center of the film is the church festival in Feistritz an der Gail, which attracts numerous people to the spectacular equestrian custom of skid jumping every year at Pentecost.

High above Hermagor on the Eggeralm, the hiking guide Georg Jost tells how he took tourists into the mountains as a little boy, the hut landlord Rudi Jank remembers how in the morning you had to carry the water for the day to the inn on the alpine pasture, and for farmer Thomas Novak, summers on the mountain pastures as a child were a unique adventure.

Down in the valley, the church day was and is the big cultural event of the year. Milka Kriegl remembers how the church days used to be, although hardly any changes can be noticed if you follow the church day activities in Feistritz or in another Lower Gail valley community. In addition to the singing, about which the Gailtal song collector Franz Mörtl has a lot to say, the most important thing is the costume. This is not only presented in the film by the seamstress Diana Erat in her tailoring museum in Arnoldstein, but you can also see how much effort it takes to put on the Gailtal costume using the example of two young Gailtal women.

The highlight of every church day in the area is the skid jumping. It can also be admired extensively in the film, although historical photos of the Feistritz church day from the post-war period confirm that nothing has changed since then.

Customs, knowledge and old craft techniques

In the 15 documentaries, the intangible cultural heritage is presented as an integral part of the Austrian cultural landscape. The films search for traces of the past in order to make the creation and changes of intangible cultural heritage visible. They document the current situation, whereby the character that creates identity for the present is highlighted. And they address the question of what importance the care of heritage has for the future of the Austrian cultural landscape.

“Heimat Österreich” takes you to the most beautiful cultural landscapes in Austria. Elaborately designed documentaries portray long-held traditions and customs, explore popular pilgrimage sites and show how culture and nature intertwine in the heart of Europe.

Co-production | Clever Contents GmbH and ORF III

Funded | The Austrian Commission for UNESCO

Genre | documentary

Director | Martin Vogg

Production manager I Saskia Netousek

Length | 45 minutes

Year of production | 2019 - 2020

First broadcast | Fall 2019

12 Tanz in Tracht
02 Albert Nessmann Pferdezüchter
05 Kirchtagsbrauch Einzug in Kirche
07 Georg Jost Wanderführer
09 Diana Erat Schneiderin und Museumsbesitzerin
18 Reiter Kufenstechen
10 Helga Druml Malerin
11 Laura Wiesflecker Schülerin
16 Tanz in Tracht
14 Thomas Novak Obmann der Almengemeinschaft
15 Rudi Jank Gastwirt
13 Alm
17 Peter Wiesflecker Historiker
08 Kirchtagsbrauch Kirche
19 Zuschauer Kufenstechen

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