Forscherinnen Pressefotos06

Wien exakt | Our life measured and calculated # 2020

About the researchers at TU Wien

When it comes to technical sciences, many people immediately think of highly complex specialist subjects that are far away from the everyday world of most people. Current projects at the Vienna University of Technology, however, prove that many areas of research are up-to-date and up-to-date with the most topical issues raised by the Viennese!

Whether the current projections for the corona pandemic, the problem of hot days in the city or the daily traffic jams on the south-east bypass: with their work, the TU researchers play a key role in shaping the quality of life of the Viennese population.

For example, teams from the Vienna University of Technology calculate what a human life is worth - expressed in euros - and thus provide the basis for decisions about investments in public space. 

Keyword "Cost what it may": The Austrian Federal Government relies on a team of mathematicians from the Vienna University of Technology to select the Corona measures. Other topics of this program: Cooling down the city by greening facades, communicating cars save fuel and time, virus protection from the TU model making workshop and Covid dark figure calculation from wastewater.

Production | Clever Contents GmbH on behalf of the Landesstudio Wien

Genre | documentary

Production manager I Saskia Netousek

Cut I Marcus Gotzmann

Length | 25 minutes

Year of production I 2020

Broadcasting | July, 12d 2020 in Österreich Bildon ORF 2

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